WWII Nazi German Army relic helmet, Battle of the Bulge area

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With so many reproduction items on the market, it’s refreshing to see an AUTHENTIC and 100% original WWII German army helmet!  This old relic clearly saw combat and it is doubtful that whoever wore it survived.  It was found in a tumbled down outbuilding near the outskirts of the city of Stadthyll, Germany and appears to have been hit by artillery or mortar or grenade fire.  It is mostly complete and there are remnants of the original side decal visible.


The entire area saw heavy WWII combat and this item may have been a battlefield pickup brought home or it may have been worn in the actual building–it is impossible to know but the building where it came from far pre-dated WW2.  The helmet appears to be a Type M42.  Great looking relic for display in absolutely unmolested condition overall.

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